
New in version 0.5.

django-modern-rpc supports authentication. It is possible to restrict access to any RPC method depending on conditions named “predicate”.


To provide authentication features, django-modern-rpc introduce concept of “predicate”. It is a python function taking a request as argument and returning a boolean:

def forbid_bots_access(request):
    forbidden_bots = [
        'Googlebot',  # Google
        'Bingbot',  # Microsoft
        'Slurp',  # Yahoo
        'DuckDuckBot',  # DuckDuckGo
        'Baiduspider',  # Baidu
        'YandexBot',  # Yandex
        'facebot',  # Facebook
    incoming_UA = request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT')
    if not incoming_UA:
        return False

    for bot_ua in forbidden_bots:
        # If we detect the caller is one of the bots listed above...
        if bot_ua.lower() in incoming_UA.lower():
            # ... forbid access
            return False

    # In all other cases, allow access
    return True

It is associated with RPC method using @set_authentication_predicate decorator.

from modernrpc.core import rpc_method
from modernrpc.auth import set_authentication_predicate
from myproject.myapp.auth import forbid_bots_access

def my_rpc_method(a, b):
    return a + b

Now, the RPC method becomes unavailable to callers if User-Agent is not provided or if it has an invalid value.

In addition, you can provide arguments to your predicate using params:

@set_authentication_predicate(my_predicate_with_params, params=('param_1', 42))
def my_rpc_method(a, b):
    return a + b

It is possible to declare multiple predicates for a single method. In such case, all predicates must return True to allow access to the method.

@set_authentication_predicate(my_predicate_with_params, params=('param_1', 42))
def my_rpc_method(a, b):
    return a + b

HTTP Basic Authentication support

django-modern-rpc comes with a builtin support for HTTP Basic Auth. It provides a set of decorators to directly extract user information from request, and test this user against Django authentication system:

from modernrpc.auth.basic import http_basic_auth_login_required, http_basic_auth_superuser_required, \
     http_basic_auth_permissions_required, http_basic_auth_any_of_permissions_required, \
     http_basic_auth_group_member_required, http_basic_auth_all_groups_member_required
from modernrpc.core import rpc_method

def logged_user_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to logged users"""
    return x

def logged_superuser_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to superusers"""
    return x

def delete_user_perm_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to users with specified permission"""
    return x

@http_basic_auth_any_of_permissions_required(permissions=['auth.add_user', 'auth.change_user'])
def any_permission_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to users with at least 1 of the specified permissions"""
    return x

@http_basic_auth_permissions_required(permissions=['auth.add_user', 'auth.change_user'])
def all_permissions_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to users with all the specified permissions"""
    return x

def in_group_A_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to users contained in specified group"""
    return x

@http_basic_auth_group_member_required(groups=['A', 'B'])
def in_group_A_or_B_required(x):
    """Access allowed only to users contained in at least 1 of the specified group"""
    return x

@http_basic_auth_all_groups_member_required(groups=['A', 'B'])
def in_groups_A_and_B_required_alt(x):
    """Access allowed only to users contained in all the specified group"""
    return x