Quick-start guide

Configuring django-modern-rpc is quick and simple. Follow that steps to be up and running in few minutes!

Installation and configuration

Use your preferred tool (pip, pipenv, pipsi, easy_install, requirements.txt file, etc.) to install package django-modern-rpc in your environment:

pip install django-modern-rpc

Add modernrpc app to your Django applications, in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:

# in project's settings.py

Declare a RPC Entry Point in URLConf

The entry point is a standard Django view class which mainly handle RPC calls. Like other Django views, you have to use django.conf.urls.url() to map URL pattern with this class. This can be done in your project’s URLConf, or in any app specific one.

# In myproject/my_app/urls.py
from django.conf.urls import url

from modernrpc.views import RPCEntryPoint

urlpatterns = [
    # ... other url patterns
    url(r'^rpc/', RPCEntryPoint.as_view()),

Entry points behavior can be customized to your needs. Read Entry point configuration for full documentation.

Write and register your remote procedures

Now, you have to write your remote procedures. These are global functions decorated with @rpc_method.

# In myproject/rpc_app/rpc_methods.py
from modernrpc.core import rpc_method

def add(a, b):
    return a + b

@rpc_method behavior can be customized to your needs. Read Configure the registration for full list of options.

Declare your RPC methods modules

Django-modern-rpc will automatically register functions decorated with @rpc_method, but needs a hint to locate them. Declare settings.MODERNRPC_METHODS_MODULES to indicate all python modules where remote procedures are defined.


That’s all !

Your application is ready to receive XML-RPC or JSON-RPC calls. The entry point URL is http://yourwebsite.com/rpc/ but you can customize it to fit your needs.