Source code for modernrpc.exceptions

# coding: utf-8
# JSON-RPC error codes
# From
# -32700              Parse error 	    Invalid JSON was received by the server.
#                                         An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.
# -32600              Invalid Request 	The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.
# -32601              Method not found 	The method does not exist / is not available.
# -32602              Invalid params 	    Invalid method parameter(s).
# -32603              Internal error 	    Internal JSON-RPC error.
# -32000 to -32099 	Server error 	    Reserved for implementation-defined server-errors.
# XML-RPC error codes
# From
# -32700 ---> parse error. not well formed
# -32701 ---> parse error. unsupported encoding
# -32702 ---> parse error. invalid character for encoding
# -32600 ---> server error. invalid xml-rpc. not conforming to spec.
# -32601 ---> server error. requested method not found
# -32602 ---> server error. invalid method parameters
# -32603 ---> server error. internal xml-rpc error
# -32500 ---> application error
# -32400 ---> system error
# -32300 ---> transport error
# In addition, the range -32099 .. -32000, inclusive is reserved for implementation defined server errors. Server
# errors which do not cleanly map to a specific error defined by this spec should be assigned to a number in this range.
# This leaves the remainder of the space available for application defined errors.

Error handling is fully described in both XML & JSON-RPC standards. Each common error have an associated *faultCode*
and the response format is described, so errors can be handled correctly on the client side.

In django-modern-rpc, all errors are reported using a set of pre-defined exceptions. Thus, in JSON and XML-RPC handlers,
when an exception is caught, the correct error response is returned to the view and transmitted to the client.

This simplify error management, and allow developers to simply return errors to clients from inside a RPC Method.
The error codes values are defined in:

- for JSON-RPC
- for XML-RPC

Pre-defined exceptions uses the following error codes::

    RPC_PARSE_ERROR = -32700

    # Used as minimal value for any custom error returned by the server
    # Used as maximal value for any custom error returned by the server



# Used as minimal value for any custom error returned by the server
# Used as maximal value for any custom error returned by the server

[docs]class RPCException(Exception): """ This is the base class of all RPC exception. Custom exceptions raised by your RPC methods should inherits from RPCException. """ def __init__(self, code, message, data=None): super(RPCException, self).__init__('[{}] {}'.format(code, message)) self.code = code self.message = message = data
[docs]class RPCParseError(RPCException): """Raised by handlers if the request can't be read as valid JSOn or XML data.""" def __init__(self, message, data=None): err_msg = 'Parse error, unable to read the request: {}'.format(message) super(RPCParseError, self).__init__(RPC_PARSE_ERROR, err_msg, data)
[docs]class RPCInvalidRequest(RPCException): """Raised by handlers if incoming JSON or XML data is not a valid JSON-RPC or XML-RPC data.""" def __init__(self, message, data=None): err_msg = 'Invalid request: {}'.format(message) super(RPCInvalidRequest, self).__init__(RPC_INVALID_REQUEST, err_msg, data)
[docs]class RPCUnknownMethod(RPCException): """Raised by handlers the RPC method called is not defined for the current entry point and protocol.""" def __init__(self, name, data=None): err_msg = 'Method not found: "{}"'.format(name) super(RPCUnknownMethod, self).__init__(RPC_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, err_msg, data)
[docs]class RPCInvalidParams(RPCException): """Raised by handlers if the RPC method's params does not match the parameters in RPC request""" def __init__(self, message, data=None): err_msg = 'Invalid parameters: {}'.format(message) super(RPCInvalidParams, self).__init__(RPC_INVALID_PARAMS, err_msg, data)
[docs]class RPCInternalError(RPCException): """Raised by handlers if any standard exception is raised during the execution of the RPC method.""" def __init__(self, message, data=None): err_msg = 'Internal error: {}'.format(message) super(RPCInternalError, self).__init__(RPC_INTERNAL_ERROR, err_msg, data)
[docs]class AuthenticationFailed(RPCInternalError): """Raised when authentication system forbade execution of a RPC Method""" def __init__(self, method_name): super(AuthenticationFailed, self).__init__('Authentication failed when calling "{}"'.format(method_name))