Setup environment

Since 1.0, django-modern-rpc uses poetry as main tool to manage project dependencies, environments and packaging. It must be installed globally on your system.

Install poetry

There is multiple way to install poetry. Refer to official documentation and choose your preferred method.

If you already use pipx, installation is very quick and clean.

$ pipx install poetry

Alternatively, you can use the official install script.

$ curl -sSL | python3 -

Install dependencies

Dependencies are configured in pyproject.toml file. In addition, poetry.lock file contains resolved dependency tree. To install basic development environment, simply run

$ poetry install


This command will automatically create a new environment if needed. You do not need to create it manually.

This will install everything needed to develop and test the library. In addition, optional group may be specified to enable other toolset (See below)

Run tests

The project have a lot of unit and functional tests to avoid regressions across new releases. They are automatically run on CI/CD platform (currently GitHub Actions) on each push, pull request and before every release.

But you should run tests on you development machine before submitting a new pull request.

System interpreter

To run test with your current python interpreter, simply run pytest inside poetry environment.

poetry run pytest

Python / Django versions matrix

If you have multiple python versions on your system, or if you have pyenv installed, you can setup tox and perform tests against multiple python / django versions

$ poetry install --with tox
$ pyenv local system 3.11 3.10 3.9 3.8
$ poetry run tox

To speedup tests run, you can use -p option to parallelize environment specific tests

$ poetry run tox -p 4


Don’t run too much parallel threads or you may slow down or completely freeze your machine !

Build docs

If you need to update documentation, first install required dependencies

poetry install --with docs

Then, cd into docs directory and use Makefile pre-defined commands.

To build docs with required options:

from docs/ directory
poetry run make html

The built files are stored inside dist/docs folder.

To simplify the writing process, you can run autobuild which automatically watch changes on files, rebuild docs and enable LiveServer on compatible browsers

from docs/ directory
poetry run make serve

Code quality

The project uses linting and formatting tools to unify source code definition and remove most of the typo and typing issues. You can run any tool directly inside poetry environment, or run them directly using tox (to unify command lines options used).

poetry install --with code-analysis
poetry run tox -e ruff,mypy


These tools are run on GitHub Actions and will break the build on errors. Don’t forget to run the before submitting a pull request.