

Install django-modern-rpc in your environment, using pip or equivalent tool

pip install django-modern-rpc

Add modernrpc app to settings.INSTALLED_APPS:

     # ...

Declare a procedure

Remote procedures are global Python functions decorated with @rpc_method.

 from modernrpc.core import rpc_method

 def add(a, b):
     return a + b

@rpc_method behavior can be customized to your needs. Read Procedures registration for a full list of available options.

Locate procedures modules

Django-modern-rpc will automatically register functions decorated with @rpc_method, but needs a hint to locate them. Set settings.MODERNRPC_METHODS_MODULES variable to indicate project’s modules where remote procedures are declared.


Create an entry point

The entrypoint is a special Django view handling RPC calls. Like any other view, it must be declared in URLConf or any app specific urls.py:

 from django.urls import path
 from modernrpc.views import RPCEntryPoint

 urlpatterns = [
     # ... other url patterns
     path('rpc/', RPCEntryPoint.as_view()),

Entry points behavior can be customized to your needs. Read Entrypoints configuration for full documentation.

Test the server

Start your project using python manage.py runserver and call your procedure using JSON-RPC or XML-RPC client, or directly with your favourite HTTP client

JSON-RPC example
 ~  $ curl -X POST localhost:8000/rpc -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 1, "method": "system.listMethods", "jsonrpc": "2.0"}'
 {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": ["add", "system.listMethods", "system.methodHelp", "system.methodSignature"]}

 ~  $ curl -X POST localhost:8000/rpc -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": 2, "method": "add", "params": [5, 9], "jsonrpc": "2.0"}'
 {"id": 2, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": 14}
XML-RPC example
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy

with ServerProxy("http://localhost:8000/rpc") as proxy:
    proxy.add(5, 9)

 # ['add', 'system.listMethods', 'system.methodHelp', 'system.methodSignature', 'system.multicall']
 # 14