Procedures documentation

Procedures documentation

Django-modern-rpc can optionally process the docstring attached to your RPC methods and display it in a web page. This article will explain how generated documentation can bu used and customized.

Enable documentation

RPCEntryPoint class can be configured to provide HTML documentation of your RPC methods. To enable the feature, simply set enable_doc = True in your view instance

urlpatterns = [

    # Configure the RPCEntryPoint directly by passing some arguments to as_view() method
    path('rpc/', RPCEntryPoint.as_view(enable_doc=True)),

If you prefer provide documentation on a different URL than the one used to handle RPC requests, you just need to specify two different URLConf.

urlpatterns = [

    # By default, RPCEntryPoint does NOT provide documentation but handle RPC requests
    path('rpc/', RPCEntryPoint.as_view()),

    # And you can configure it to display doc without handling RPC requests.
    path('rpc-doc/', RPCEntryPoint.as_view(enable_doc=True, enable_rpc=False)),

Customize rendering

You can customize the documentation page by setting your own template. RPCEntryPoint inherits django.views.generic.base.TemplateView, so you have to set view’s template_name attribute:

urlpatterns = [
    # RPCEntryPoint can be configured with arguments passed to as_view()

In the template, you will get a list of modernrpc.core.RPCMethod instance (one per registered RPC method). Each instance of this class has some methods and properties to retrieve documentation.

By default, documentation will be rendered using HTML5 vanilla tags with default classes and ids.

Changed in version 1.0.0: In previous releases, the default template was based on Bootstrap 4 with collapse components and accordion widgets. To use this BS4 template, simply set `template_name='modernrpc/bootstrap4/doc_index.html'` when instantiating the view.

Write documentation

The documentation is generated directly from RPC methods docstring

def content_type_printer(**kwargs):
    Inspect request to extract the Content-Type header if present.
    This method demonstrates how a RPC method can access the request object.
    :param kwargs: Dict with current request, protocol and entry_point information.
    :return: The Content-Type string for incoming request
    # The other available variables are:
    # protocol = kwargs.get(MODERNRPC_PROTOCOL_PARAM_NAME)
    # entry_point = kwargs.get(MODERNRPC_ENTRY_POINT_PARAM_NAME)

    # Get the current request
    request = kwargs.get(REQUEST_KEY)
    # Return the content-type of the current request
    return request.META.get('Content-Type', '')

If you want to use Markdown or reStructuredText syntax in your RPC method documentation, you have to install the corresponding package in you environment.

pip install Markdown


pip install docutils

Then, set settings.MODERNRPC_DOC_FORMAT to indicate which parser must be used to process your docstrings

# In


# In

New in version 1.0.0: Typehints are now supported to generate arguments and return type in documentation